Healthy Bytes with Health.Hope.Vitality, LLC
Real facts from real research to help you make the best decisions regarding your health and wellness. Don't waste time gathering opinions on the "next best diet." Come here for the truth - the good, the bad, and the awesome.
12 episodes
The Best Diet Out There
Have you found a diet that works? What was the end result a couple years after you dieted? Listen in to get my research-based take on what the best diet is - for everyone! Please consider becoming a Patron by visi...
Episode 12
Is Sugar Really Addictive?
I've heard people say, "I'm addicted to sugar" or "she/he has a sugar addiction," but is that really true? Can you be addicted to a food? And what about fruit? Is the sugar in those things addictive? Listen in for what the res...
Episode 11
Fiber & You with Fibersol-2!
Fibersol-2 is a slow-digesting maltodextrin that has been clinically shown to increase motility, increase healthy gut bacteria and increase hunger satiety. This can help improve the health of your gut microbiome, have better bowel movemen...
Episode 10
Fed Up and Fueled with Passion
After listening to this episode you'll get a good idea about what I'm passionate about. I touch on my struggles with an eating disorder, recovery through intuitive eating, how the food industry plays a much bigger part than we realize, and ...
Episode 9
Summer Sunburn Helpers
SUMMER SUNBURN HELPERSThis comes from my own personal experience of either 1) not using sunscreen, or 2) using sunscreen that either isn't strong enough or is expired. BUT - what has worked the best for me might surprise you - and you...
Episode 8
Muscle Soreness Relief (without Ibuprophen)
Research-based methods to relieve muscle soreness post-workout or yard work (as in my case when I moved a literal ton of blocks this past weekend). You can also watch the live recording of this episode on my YouTube channel here:
Episode 7
Manic Migraines and Foods that can Help
MANIC MIGRAINES AND FOODS THAT CAN HELPA summary of two research studies over nutrition and migraines - with conflicting results. Do you suffer from migraines? Do you have any identifiable triggers? Has anything from the "na...
Episode 6
My Autoimmune Health Story - Lupus, Sjogrens, and Arthritis - oh my!
A synopsis of my autoimmune health story - starting at age 12. It took 15 years to get an official diagnosis of Lupus. Listen in to see how I overcame Lupus through the power of food - and how I learned nothing about it from my doct...
Episode 5
The Downlow on Vitamin D
What is vitamin D? How do we absorb it? Is sun exposure the best way to get my daily dose? Listen in for more. Please consider becoming a Patron by visiting my Patreon Page to keep the research-based info coming your way!&nb...
Episode 4
The Food Additives that Take Away (from your health)
Food additives - the things added to our food to make it prettier, smell better, taste better, and last longer; but in the process can cause cancer, metabolic issues and autoimmune disorders. Please consider becoming a Patron by visitin...
Episode 3